
September 30, 2008

Newsflash -

marriage is hard.

September 29, 2008

Week In the Life

In the spirit of saying Yes to everything lately I'm taking up Ali's challenge of documenting a week in my life. Flickr group.

To follow the instructions on keeping notes, i'm jotting them here. I'm going to focus on capturing small things during the day and hopefully one thing that inspires me.

Monday Notes:
The wind that comes strongly through the Columbia gorge has started. It's fall. Ah, the lovely sounds of the trees rustling around. Thankfully the wind is still warm but likely not for long.

I took my first TtV shot this weekend. I definitely need to build a contraption to block the light and glare. I'll upload it later today, at least that's the plan. The plan worked:

First shot, too close to the viewfinder:

Second shot, all of the viewfinder but blurry. I took a few more shots with the same bad results. This is when i stopped and decided that i really did need a contraption.

September 25, 2008

Scavenger & Through the Viewfinder

Two more fun and creative things that are happening in my life...

I have signed up for an exciting collaborative project, The Scavenger Project. It was created by Design For Man Kind in collaboration with Art House in Atlanta. In a week or so i will be getting a little packet in the mail with my list of 24 items/topics to base my art on. I have until Nov. 15th to get this all done and mail it in so i can have 1 piece published in a collaborative book. I'm excited and nervous that i'll have so much to do. I'm really hoping it gets here before i go out of town so i can be on the look out while in Texas.

The other is a the discovery of a photography technique called Through The Viewfinder. With a dualfex type camera {medium format} a picture is taken through it's view finder on top with a digital camera. The results are square format photos with a verity of results - depending on the lens style, cleanliness of lens & or mirror - you can get really clean looking photos or dirty. I highly recommend looking through the flickr group for this style.

How this all started is by me reading Hula Seventy's post about TtV. It occurred to me that we have several old cameras that were obtained through a series of events. On the shelf in M.'s office sat this beautiful Yashica D. I had a Yashica D and i didn't even know it! Turns out, there is a grid on the lens, i'm not sure how i feel about it. I've read in the flickr group that some love the grid and others clean it of with windex. That last part has me concerned about cleaning it at all, even though the viewfinder does have odd smudges on it. There is a small chance that the grid is in the ground glass and won't come off at all or is on the underside of the glass and cleaning the top won't matter. For now, i'm leaving it alone. I haven't even takin' one shot yet for goodness sakes.

That's right i haven't been brave and taken a shot yet. Although, i've done lots of reading and perusing of different types of cameras. I have the bug to buy a different style camera bad! Part of me thinks, i'll leave the Yashica D w/ grid because i'll admit that on some shots it's a nice little something and then i'll have say a Kodax Dualfex II for clean shots and a Starflex for it's great looking warped edges and maybe i can find one that's a little dirty, i like this look too!

This is very typical of my personality - get very excited about something - read up on it - day dream - but this is the tricky part, if i wait too long to get started i'll get bored day dreaming and move on - or if i start but run into a problem i'll move on*. So, the goal here is to take a picture by the end of the week. Who cares if i don't have the perfect light shield contraption, i'll use a dark piece of cloth if i have to, i will take a picture!

*it's not 100% of the time that i'll move on, sometimes i work through a problem and feel a great accomplishment.

September 23, 2008

Life Update

I'm going to Texas in October!

I'm mostly excited but a little sad. This was our year to go down for Thanksgiving and i thought buying the tickets 2 months in advance would be enough and in the past leaving on T-day was the cheapest - well not this year! It would have cost us close to $1,000 dollars for me and my husband to go. Lets just say we didn't budget for that much. Plus, M. started a new job and has no time off except for thanksgiving day and that fri after which didn't help with the price of the tickets.

After a little hemming and hawing... the choice was made instead of breaking the bank I'd go to Texas by my self. Since i was going by my self it would make sense to go at the same time my mom & step-dad would be in town from New York. That's the exciting part, I get to see them! It's been 1.5yrs since my mom and 2yrs for my step-dad. The sad part is my husband is stuck at home and it puts some some plans on hold {like going to the Ft. Worth Zoo, the point was to take him}. Bonus to going in Oct. i get to go to the State Fair - sad part, i would love to take M. to it some year.

I have been really thankful though that M. has been very encouraging for me to go see my family. Sure, he likes my family but in the end they're mine and it's not exactly the same bond. I understand this, i feel the same about his - love them but i'd have him go alone if i couldn't make it. Sometimes it's the hardest thing living in different states!

In other exciting news, i'm going to an art class hosted by Art & Soul while it's here in Portland. I'm only taking one class but it's on block printing which I LOVE {even though you can't tell because i never post any of my work, the little that i have}. There are so many classes i would have loved to take but again the money thing but maybe next year!

September 11, 2008

New Gadget

Here are 2 GOOD things:

1 - I got an ipod shuffle today at work!
Its the purple 1g but i might have to buy it an
argyle vinyl cover.

They're actually a promotional thing for another department but i was asking how i could get one and my boss just gave it to me. I appreciate it, makes up for me having to move offices to the other side of the building, being too far from the printers for my liking and now i'm sharing an office instead having my own... ok maybe it doesn't completely make up for this but at least it helps.

2 - Nitro & Z's Birthday! Happy 3rd doggies! We don't do anything special... they might get a walk, lol.
Dogs Attention

P.S. I still feel like i'm at the bottom of a hill but I think i've at least stood up. It feels like i've lost the ability to think clearly, a cloud cover has rolled in and i swear 3 weeks ago i could been in a good mood but now... good moods are fleeting and anxiety/giving up is too easy. I was joking with my mom about self medicating with rhodiola.

September 5, 2008


i'm still breathing but slowly - completely rolled down the hill and now laying at the bottom wondering "do i have to get up?"