
November 7, 2010

Small Update

It's been a fun day spent with family and good food. An interesting way to get to know a new person is to play the game Would You Rather and listen to their response. One of my husband's cousin's introduced her boyfriends & thankfully he is a game player with good answers.

Hope everyone remembered to set their clock back last night. We did so there is no funny story about showing up anywhere an hour early!

November 6, 2010


My husband and I got to have a date day of sorts. We started with a matinee movie with 1 free ticket & a free small popcorn. Who doesn't love free? We added 1 ticket & 1 large cherry coke to share.

We chose to go see RED with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker & Helen Mirren. All the way around a fantastic cast! it's an action comedy with lots of loud shooting & very little language. Honestly, its says its rated PG-13 for action violence & brief strong languages but neither my husband or i remember there being any language. Now, it could be stated that we watch R rated that are heavy in language and in comparison it just didn't register on our radar. Either way it's a very fun movie - not a constant laugh out loud but i chuckled a lot.

November 5, 2010

Type Collection

I've been collecting wood and lead type for about two years now. Currently they're just a collection and haven't performed anything functional. I do have grand plans for some of the wood type but we'll see if i have the nerve to use them this winter.

November 4, 2010

Brought to You by the Word ON

I got lost today in the world of YouTube. Best thing I found was Grover from Sesame Street performing a spoof of the Old Spice commercial. Both are funny entertainment!

November 3, 2010

The Artist Way

I've joined a group of other creative people that are reading through The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. We meet on Wednesdays to discuss that weeks chapter. I've read this book on my own before but i didn't do anything she suggested. No morning pages, artist dates or writing out the tasks at the end of the chapters. This time around i'm gaining much more incite actually participating in the full lesson. I'm not doing it perfectly, i have yet to complete a 7 out of 7 days of morning pages, i've forgotten to do an artist date 2 out of the 3 weeks and thought about the task questions but not written the answers. At least with the group accountability I'm feeling more committed to the whole process of becoming an unblocked artist.

November 2, 2010

Reading Summer 2010

When a bibliophile is thrown into long empty days*, they can easily be filled with crimes, detectives, the fanciful and the undead.

Bookshelf: Read

The Naming: The First Book of Pellinor
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Dead Until Dark
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Bite Me
The Imperfectionists
Her Fearful Symmetry
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Burglars Can't Be Choosers
Under Orders
Juliet, Naked
Water for Elephants

Violetkey's favorite books »

November 1, 2010

Start of November

Let see how much writing i can get done this month. I'm participating in National November Writing Month & National Blog Posting Month. Good luck to everyone participating!

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