I am actually thankful to be at work today. That snow that was rumored, came true in a really big way! I snowed a couple of inches on Sunday and blew crazy high winds. We stayed home on Monday because we did not have tire chains and we did not feel safe going out. That made 3 consecutive days of being at home, all day, all 24 hours of those days, with 2 crazy dogs, 1 tv and a really dirty kitchen. Good news, we finally got our tree decorated now that we've had it for a week.
We went shopping Friday thinking we'd purchased enough food for the weekend, apparently we can't count how many times we eat in a day. By Sunday my husband went back out between the morning snow and the evening snow to get more groceries. Then he went out again yesterday afternoon after some of the snow had melted {at least it was super sunny if not bitter cold} to get tire chains so we could adventure out today. Good news, we only need the chains to get out of the apartment parking lot.
Bad news, it's supposed to snow with a mix of freezing rain starting any where between tonight and 10am on Wednesday and not end till Wed. night. Depending on your source we get sun on Thurs and Snow again on Friday followed by a big storm on Saturday/Sunday.
OMG, i'm so not prepared for this. We have to go to the store again tonight just to prep for the week. It's been a long time since i've planned a weeks worth of groceries. Do you realize how dirty the kitchen gets when you're cooking at home all the time?
Most likely i'll be home tomorrow because I don't want to be out in that and my husband can easily take the public transportation into work if it's required. If i take public transportation it will probably take me 2 - 2.5 hours one way because with good weather and everything running on time its estimated to take 1.5 hrs. I'm hoping i can take PTO or make up the time, we really can't take the money hit so close to Christmas. Ugh, that's the other thing, this snow could completely blow my chances of shopping this weekend! Don't procrastinate on these things people, it'll get you in trouble.
I admire people that put up with this for several months out of the year. You are better people then me. Hope everyone is safe, warm and well stocked in food.
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