Canon A630 digital camera
i like taking a picture at a momments notice
i like to pay for things
helps to keep track of random thoughts
G1 cell phone
Incase i need to make a call, send a text, read my email, or play Pac-Man
Pouch of pens and lipstick
The pouch helps to keep these little things form rolling around in the bottom.
2 What do you think?:
The camera on my phone does a decent job. If I carried my digital in my purse it would get destroyed!
How do you like your G1? I've got a Centro and am thinking about the new pre.
Pouch o' lipstick! I've got one of those! It makes it so easy when I'm changing purses.
I love my G1!!! The camera on it is awful in low lighting. Other than that it's the little hand held laptop I've always wanted.
My camera has a thin padded case it goes into and then sits at one end of my long purse.
The pouch does make things a lot easier. I don't change purses much, last summer i finally purchased a new one after 6yrs at my sister's insistence. I've enjoyed the new purse but i'm looking for another, the new purse didn't hold up as well as the old one.
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