
March 14, 2008


It took me forever and a template change to get the new banner up but it's there! I had fun making the banner. It only took me since November to actually do it. Then I had to spend a few hours finding the font I wanted.

Going to the beach this weekend. Can't wait! There was a quick day trip in Jan. but this is a full weekend. I plan on doing a lot of beach combing for drift wood. Not only do i collect it but I want to make a mobile or two for our living room.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

P.S. this is my 100th post!

4 What do you think?:

Anonymous said...

Way to Go! I love the new header, the style, the font, the subtitle ... and you know i'm not easily impressed. Soooo .. I'm still not easily impressed. (inside joke for those in the know)

Leah said...

*love* the new banner!! and congrats on your 100th post!

Jessie said...

nice work on the banner!! i really like it a lot. you're good, really good. :)

Violet Ink said...

I'm so glad ya'll love it!